What I think happened was that the controller cooled down now since it's night time, which allowed the screws to contract such that they were a less tight fit in the screw holes. The problem screw came out with very little effort, so the whole controller has been able to be taken apart.
The disassembled NES controller (screws are still left sitting in the back panel):
The culprit:
After a bit of thought, I want to see if I can make the letters of the word "Freak" in "Control Freak" map to the buttons and D-pad. There is one D-pad and four buttons, and five letters in "Freak". "reak" should map pretty easily to Start, Select, A, and B. The main problem would be getting "F" orientated so it covers all four contacts on the D-pad's circuitry. With a bit of sketching in Photoshop, I should be able to figure that out.
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