I took several sets of photos in my attempt to get a Photosynth that was 100% synthy, most of which turned out to be around 30% synthy or less. It's a bit confusing to figure out, but I think I'm getting used to the process.
The first synth I tried was an attempt to create one from several frames extracted from a timeslice I found on Youtube. Unfortunately, the result was 0% synthy, quite possibly because of the quality of the video. Here's the synth:
The other synths I tried were of a figurine. Some of the attempts were:
Which didn't turn out as well as I thought they would.
A slightly better synth was of an old NES controller. The main problem with it is that only one side synthed well, leaving the other (interesting) side unfortunately blank. Even after trying a synth with that side alone, it didn't work out so well.
I took another crack at things at home yesterday, using a model of a spindle wheel and a model of a throne. The spindlewheel didn't work so well, but the throne turned out to be 100% synthy, which is a bit confusing since I expected it to have a very low synthy percentage due to the fact it's largely the same colour as the surrounding carpet. Here are the two synths:
What I found out is that my carpet gets triangulated pretty well, despite the fact that it seemed to me like it was a very homogeneous pattern.
The point I'm currently stuck on is getting the Photosynth Toolkit to work, since it seems to be creating a few empty folders and leaving it at that rather than downloading files.
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