I was originally intending to create the 3D model so it would be able to have screws put into it and also have the circuitry sitting in place easily. However, looking into the feasibility of doing that, there are a lot of places I could make a small error, resulting in the entire thing not fitting together. The tolerances for the screw holes, for example, would probably be less than I am able to manually measure, quite possibly resulting in a hole that is too tight or too wide. A tight hole could be tediously sanded down until the screw fits, but that would be rather time-consuming, and could still potentially result in a poor fit.
For an idea of the complexity of what would need to be modelled, here's a photo of the inside of the case:
So, instead of having screws and such, I think it would be easier for me to do the following:
- tape the back of the cord to the circuitboard (it should normally be secured by weaving between some parts that poke out near the cord's exit hole),
- make the inside of the case intentionally too deep for the circuitboard to be able to sit easily with the buttons on top; this way, I'll be able to pad it with, say, folded paper until it is precisely in position.
This should save me a few hours of modelling non-aesthetic details, and reduce the probability of the model printing incorrectly.
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